Session of legal and civic education and training with pupils
As part of A4 – Supporting 25 legal and civic education and training sessions for pupils to strenghten their view of human rights, equal treatment and to tackle all forms of abuse as part of the Institutional cooperation and advocacy for the protection of children, victims of sexual abuse and violence project, Save the Children held a series of legal and civic education and training sessions in partnership with 5 schools from Bucharest.
The discussions with the children from secondary classes focused on child’s rights and their evolution in time, non-discrimination and authorities with responsibilities in cases of discrimination, types of abuse, causes and consequences and how to tackle them. Pupils learned who they should contact if they find out about an abuse, where to call and the importance of talking about the situation to a trustworthy adult.
The legal and civic education and training sessions for children are meant to expand their view on human and child’s rights and how to act if either them or someone else is exposed to risk. Pupils will learn how to properly identify a situation of abuse and what public institutions/authorities/non-governmental organizations provide support in such cases, in addition to the fact that it is vital that they should not hide the situation and describe it to an adult.